Autocorrelation | Algorithm to perform an autocorrelation of vectors of Real values |
BandFilter | Algorithm to create and apply several types of low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop filters |
Bands | Algorithm to calculate the sum of values in a given set of weighted bands |
Correlation | Algorithm to perform the correlation between two vectors of Real values |
DCT | Algorithm to perform a Discrete Cosine Transform of a vector of Real values |
FFT | Algorithm to perform a Fast Fourier Transform of a vector of Real values |
FFTComplex | Algorithm to perform a Fast Fourier Transform of a vector of Complex values |
Filter | Algorithm to apply one or several IIR filters given the Real value coefficients |
IFFT | Algorithm to perform an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of a vector of Complex values representing the positive frequencies half of a symmetric FFT |
IFFTComplex | Algorithm to perform an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of a vector of Complex values representing the full FFT |
LPC | Algorithm to calculate the Linear Predictive Coding of vectors of Real values |
MelBands | Algorithm to get the band values of Mel-scale frequency warpped magnitude spectrums |
MFCC | Algorithm to calculate the Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients of vectors of Real values |
NMF | Algorithm to calculate the Non-negative Matrix Factorization of a matrix of Real values |
PeakDetection | Algorithm to find peaks in a vector of Real values |
PeakDetectionComplex | Algorithm to find peaks in a vector of Complex values |
PeakInterpolation | Algorithm to interpolate peaks in a vector of Real values |
PeakInterpolationComplex | Algorithm to interpolate peaks in a vector of Complex values |
PeakTracking | Algorithm to find peak trajectories in vectors of Complex values representing FFT, given peak positions and peak magnitudes |
PitchACF | Algorithm to estimate the most prominent pitch of a vector of Real values reprsenting the FFT of an audio frame using the Autocorrelation function |
Resample | Algorithm to resample vectors represented as vectors of Real values |
SpectralNoiseSuppression | Algorithm to remove the non-harmonic part of the spectrums magnitudes represented as vectors of Real values |
SpectralODF | Algorithm to perform onset detection functions on vectors of Complex values representing the FFT of a signal |
SpectralWhitening | Algorithm to whiten the magnitude of spectrums represented as vectors of Real values |
Unwrap | Algorithm to unwrap phases vectors represented as vectors of Real values |
Window | Algorithm to create and apply several type of windows on vectors of Real or Complex values |