Package fisica

Class Summary
FBlob Represents a blob body that can be added to a world.
FBody Represents a body in the world.
FBox Represents a rectangular body that can be added to a world.
FCircle Represents a circular body that can be added to a world.
FConstantVolumeJoint Represents constant volume joint that tries to keep the volume enclosed by a group of bodies constant.
FContact Represents a contact between two bodies.
FContactResult Represents the result of the contact between two bodies.
FDistanceJoint Represents a distance joint that tries to keep two bodies at a constant distance.
FDrawable This is a class from which all drawable objects of a world inherit.
FGearJoint Represents a gear joint between joints that transfers the movement of one joint to the other.
Fisica Represents the library Fisica.
FJoint Represents a joint between two or more bodies.
FLine Represents a line body that can be added to a world.
FMouseJoint Represents a mouse joint that tries to keep a body at a constant distance from the target.
FPoly Represents a polygonal body that can be added to a world.
FPrismaticJoint Represents a prismatic joint that restricts the movement of one body with respect to another to a translation along a given axis.
FRaycastResult Represents the result of a casted ray.
FRevoluteJoint Represents a revolute joint that restricts the movement of one body with respect to another to rotation around a given anchor.
FWorld Represents the world where all the bodies live in.

Exception Summary
Fisica.LibraryNotInitializedException Exception thrown when the library has not been initialized.

processing library fisica by Ricard Marxer. (c) 2009-2013