/** * Getting Started. * Illustration by George Brower. * * The Candy SVG Import library is used for loading SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) * files into Processing. This library was specifically tested under SVG files created * from Adobe Illustrator. For now, we can't guarantee that it'll work for SVG's * created from anything else. * * An SVG created under Illustrator must be created in one of two ways: * - File > Save for Web (or control-alt-shift-s on a PC). Under settings, make sure * the CSS properties is set to "Presentation Attributes" * - With Illustrator CS2, it is also possible to use "Save As" with "SVG" as the file * setting, but the CSS properties set to "Presentation Attributes" * Saving it any other way will most likely break Candy. * * For more information, visit: * http://www.processing.org/reference/libraries/candy/ */ import processing.candy.*; import processing.xml.*; SVG bot; void setup(){ size(200, 200); smooth(); // The file "bot1.svg" must be in the data folder // of the current sketch to load successfully bot = new SVG(this, "bot1.svg"); } void draw(){ background(102); bot.draw(10, 10, 100, 100); // Draw at coordinate [10, 10] at size 100 x 100 bot.draw(70, 60); // Draw at coordinate [70, 60] at the default size }